Two Monks and a Woman

After reading Yolanda’s comments about an ex who still lingers in her memory after he had left her about a year ago, I decide to post this story for her:

A senior monk and a junior monk were travelling together. Towards midday, they came to a river. As they are about to cross the river, they spotted a young, beautiful woman. When the woman asked the monks for help to cross the river, the senior monk obliged and carried her across on his shoulder.  He set her down on the opposite shore and carried on his journey with the junior monk without saying a word. The junior monk seemed upset and perturbed by the whole incident.

After a long walk, the senior monk noticed that the junior monk was particularly quiet and asked, “You seemed upset. Is something bothering you?”

The junior monk replied, “We monks had taken a vow of celibacy and are not permitted to have any contact with a woman and especially not the physical kind.  How could you carry her on your shoulders?”

“Hmm, I have left her on the riverbank hours ago, yet you are still carrying her in your mind.” replied the senior monk.

In retrospect, Yolanda, you can choose the path of the senior monk, who had embrace the situation of the moment and continue to live in the present after leaving the woman on the river bank. Or you could be like the junior monk who is still carrying the baggage of the past.

The choice is yours. This is your life. If you put down the baggage, you may move ahead faster and there may be many wonderful things ahead in your life and they are expecting you. Are you ready to embrace the moment and live life to the fullest?

The choice, ultimately, is still yours…

The Men Rules: A Woman’s Instant Guide to the Mindset of Men [Part 1]

The following are a set of rules. These rules does speak for the majority of the male population (men who don’t think so are welcome to comment). Whoever wrote this is brilliant. It is periodically splashed across the internet but I can’t seem to pinpoint to the original author (though I would readily acknowledge his work and his brilliance).

Women who are seeking to know men better would find theses rules helpful. Women who chose to ignore these rules do so at their own risk. All rules are numbered as #1, so I presume they are of equal importance.

1. Breasts are for looking at and that’s why we do it. Don’t try to change that.

[This is the first on the list, so it must be the most important rule. Only a fraction of men will admit to this. Those who do are the real men. Those who don’t are liars, are afraid to admit it and try to act “holier than thou”. Ladies, stay away from these men.]

1.  Learn to work the toilet seat. You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don’t hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

[Folks, don’t be surprise how much of an issue this could be…]

1. Saturday = sports. It’s like the full moon or the changing of tides. Let it be.

[This is a favorite. Sports is rather sacred to men. Of course, this doesn’t apply to fags.]

1. Shopping is NOTa sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

[This is consistent with the above rule. And for men who suffer from self-esteem problems, who need to modify their car to impress girls cos they don’t have the self confidence or the looks, modifying your car is NOT a sport either, you loser.]

1. Crying is blackmail.

[This one speaks for itself.]

More rules to come…

Run and Drink


The Wikipedia defines “The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH or H3) as an international group of social, non-competitive running and drinking clubs. Hashing has frequently been described as ‘a drinking club with a running problem’, and the social element of hashing is of equal importance to the running.

The organization of the Hash House Harriers is completely decentralized, with chapters (also commonly called kennels) having no formal regional or national offices or leadership structure. There are more than 1700 kennels with at least one Hash in most major cities in the world.”

I have heard so much about this HHH thingy though I have never participated in one. I am not into groupies stuffs especially not when it comes to running in a large group. I would rather prefer to join an army if I want to run with a large group of people. And I don’t drink.

But I do condone the HHH for promoting health through running. Can’t agree with the after-run drinking though.

And the thing that peeved me about HHH is the ‘unenvironmental friendly’ way in which they leave a paper trail. I don’t know about the biodegradability of papers but laying a 1 x 1 inch of paper all over the place isn’t the most civic conscious thing to do. In some countries, laying paper around is called ‘littering’.

Perhaps Hashers could organize around a system whereby the last runner has to pick up all the papers. On one hand, it gives incentive for the group members not to be the last runner and on the other, it promotes HHH as a civic conscious social group that cares for the environment.

As for me, I have a running buddy and we know where we are heading without having to rely on a paper trail to guide us.

That’s all for now. Gotta run.

Important Announcement!

Dear potential daters/secret admirers,

I’m very proud to announce that I am in the process of transforming myself into a Demi-Vegetarian.

For those of you who are scratching your heads and wondering: what the heck is a “Demi-Vegetarian,” this is what I’m turning myself into…

“A person who eats fish (and other things in the world) but not meat.”

If you ever plan to take me out on a date, kindly and thoughtfully take this into consideration before you make any restaurant reservations. (Yup, no steak, no KFC, no hamburger…)

A BONUS TIP for you: Ask me why I have decided to become a Demi-Vegetarian on our date to score points – That is of course, if I promise to go out with you.

(You might want to practice saying “Demi-Vegetarian” a few times before the date, just to make sure you don’t mess up…)

Thank you for your kind attention. If you have any further questions or thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment.



P.S.: I DO take lobsters. 🙂

Why I Want a Wife

I absolutely LOVE this article. It was an assigned reading for an English class I took in university. The humor and sarcasm in it are just perfect and brilliant. Enjoy!

“My God, who wouldn’t want a wife ?” Yeah, I wanna get a wife too… Join me? 🙂

According to the dictionary, a wife is a “woman married to a man.” But, as many women know, a wife is much more: COO (Chief Operating Officer), housekeeper, nutritionist, chauffeur, friend, sex partner, valet, nurse, social secretary, ego-builder, and more. Rather than complains why she herself would like to have a wife.

I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.

Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene from the Midwest fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is obviously looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife?

I would like to go back to school, so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and, if need be, support those dependent upon me. I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the children’s doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children’s clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wife’s income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working.

I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and a change of scene.

I want a wife who will take care of details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will take care of the babysitting arrangements. When I meet people at school that I like and want to certain, I want a wife who will have the house clean, will prepare a special meal, serve it to me and my friends, and not interrupt when I talk about the things that interest me and my friends. I want a wife who will have arranged that the children are fed and ready for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not bother us. I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are passed the hors d’oeuvre, that they helping of the food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they like it. And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night to by myself.

I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it. I want a wife who assumes the complete responsibility for birth control, because I do not want more children. I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible.

If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.

When I am through with school and have acquired a job, I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife’s duties.

My God, who wouldn’t want a wife ?

This article by Judy Syfers appeared in the premier issue of Ms. magazine back in 1971.

Boyfriend Vending Machine

Welcome to Year 2008! Introducing the BOYFRIEND VENDING MACHINE – the latest and greatest invention of the century, specially for the ladies…

Ladies, simply follow our easy FIVE-STEP procedure to create your perfect dream boyfriend!

STEP ONE – Basic Information:

a) Select Gender (Yes, recognizing the personal needs of our female customers, we do make “girlfriends” too.)

b) Select Age (due to legal issues, we regret that we cannot make boyfriends younger than the age of 18.)

c) Nationality (you name it – we can make it happen.)

d) Date of Birth (You can choose whichever date you prefer for his birthday. However, due to extreme high demand, surcharges apply to popular dates like Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, and Christmas.)

STEP TWO – Physical Appearance:

a) Select Sizes (The size of each body part can be accustomed precisely to satisfy your personal needs and preferences. )

b) Select Colors (All body parts come in a wide spectrum of color choices. Showcase your personal taste and individuality.)

STEP THREE – Personality Traits and Desirable Behaviors:

Now you can have a boyfriend who is affectionate at all time (even when you don’t want sex). He gives warm, loving hugs and sweet kisses whenever you want one. Thanks to our built in alarm function that allows you to set the time and frequency you want a hug or a kiss (or both).

Have other needs or preferences? Don’t worry. Your satisfaction and happiness are our top priorities. With more than 1000 personality traits and behaviors to choose from, we are certain that we can make your dream boyfriend a reality!

And yes, we can even make a boyfriend who cooks! Right now, you can only choose from Chinese, Japanese, Western, and Italian cuisines. We are working on providing you with more menu choices from other countries.

STEP FOUR – Payment Options

We accept all major credit cards and cash.

STEP FIVE – Enjoy your newly created, “fresh-fr0m-the-oven,” and perfect boyfriend.

All products come with a 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. 🙂

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All of our products are strictly sold to FEMALE customers only.

A Man Who Sends Mixed Signals

I found a surprise letter in my mailbox. Yes, I mean a handwritten, old fashioned two-page long letter, delivered to my house with care by the mailman. (Yes, don’t be overly surprised – some people do still write letters nowadays.)

It was from a guy whom I hadn’t spoken to in three months, ever since I moved to another state.

In the fully written two-page letter, he listed eight “wonderful and rather unique” qualities he had observed in me (in eight separate paragraphs). It was an extremely well composed letter – no spelling or grammatical errors.

I have to say I was quite touched (and flattered) by the kind words in his letter. Yet, I couldn’t help but laughed out loud after reading it.

That wasn’t the first time he did something “like that.” Sending mixed signals. Being all confusing. “Toying” with my emotions. Trying to pretend that he’s Romeo.

This happened to be the same guy who sent me roses to my work place on my birthday. The same guy who asked me out on a date on Valentine’s Day. The same guy who took me to his company annual Christmas party. The same guy who brought me home on Thanksgiving to meet his entire family. The same guy who told me I was wonderfully unique and every man’s dream-come-true.

Coincidentally, he was also the same guy who told me he wasn’t sure if he “loves” me or “likes”me. The same guy who wasn’t sure if we should be more than friends. The same guy who disappeared on me for no apparent reason for three whole weeks. The same guy who told me he needed some quiet time with God so he could get a definite sure “yes” from God to date me. The same man who told me he wasn’t sure if he was ready for a “serious” relationship.

The funniest part of all: till now, he kind of believes that my entire world is waiting for him and my life happiness solely depends on his existence.

Perhaps that’s why he felt obligated to check on me from time to time, by surprise… (Let’s see if she’s still alive without me in her life…)

The fact is: I have moved on long, long, long time ago. He is as ancient as a dinosaur to me.

An intelligent woman simply does not put her life (and happiness) on hold because of a man. Especially not a man who is wishy washy and not “man” enough to make up his mind.

My sincere advice to all women: If a man cannot seem to decide if he wants you or not (sending all sorts of mixed signals and acting indecisively), go ahead and make a decision FOR HIM.

He does not deserve you. Wave your hand at him and say goodbye forever. Do not invest another second on him. Do not look back. As simple as that.

Honey, We Need to Talk…


Scenario A:

Woman: Hey, we need to talk!!!

Man: (Uh oh, what did I do this time?)

Scenario B:

Woman: Honey, we need to talk…

Man: (Time to practice my non-listening skills…)

Scenario C:

Woman: You know what… I think we kind of need to talk…

Man: (Oh God, it’s over…)

Men often times aren’t the most intuitive creatures on earth. However, most instinctively know they are in trouble the moment they hear a woman says “we need to talk.”

“We need to talk” is a popular phrase used by women specially when communicating with men. It acts like a female “secret” code which subtly implies that what you are about to listen next isn’t going to be pleasant.

Some possible meanings when a woman says “we need to talk”:

1.) You are in trouble (screwed).

2.) I need to talk. YOU listen.

3.) I have something to whine, nag, or complain (about something you did, known or unknown to you).

4.) It’s over. Bye. (Prelude to the end of a relationship.)

5.) I know what you did. (Yea, your porn collection and the girl you slept with.)

6.) LAST warning. Take the matter seriously. Or else, I’m out of here!

With no doubt, “we need to talk” is the second worst thing a man can hear from his woman (after “I’m pregnant”). Unfortunately, there’s nothing much you can do when it happens. And, there’s also no way of predicting when she’s gonna throw that phrase in your face. I can only tell you this: when it happens, pray hard and hope for the best. Good luck! 🙂

Two Screen Legends for the Price of One


DeNiro and Pacino Reunited. Two of the finest actors of their generation. Two of my favorites.

This will be their third collaboration. Their first was in 1974. The movie was Godfather Part II. DeNiro played Pacino’s father and appeared in flashbacks. Back then, they were both not so known Italian American actors.

Today, they are screen icons.

They never shared a scene together. Not until 21 years later.
In 1995, they both starred in a cops and robbers thriller, Heat where they shared two brief scenes together.

Between them, they shared 3 Oscars and 11 nominations.

Next year, they will be collaborating again on a new movie called Righteous Kill.

I am looking forward to it. Hopefully, there will be more screen time between DeNiro and Pacino. But I know there will be lots of testosterone-filled moments in the movie.

I can’t wait.

How to Deal with Your Boyfriend When His Favorite Team is On a Losing Streak…

It has been a bad stretch for my favorite team as they have just registered their 6th lost. 6 losses in a row for a promising team that was in the NBA conference finals last season? I find it hard to accept.

And to make matters worse, most girls do not understand the importance of sports to men.

So, for the ladies out there who have to deal with the everyday reality of your boyfriend sulking because his favorite team loses, here are some tips to deal with it.

Ok, one important tip is not to say anything smart like “sports are about wins and loses”. Because, the most likely answer you get (with a grunt) is “Yeah? I know. How about my team wins and other team loses?”

Take the low road and remember, the keyword is: COMPASSION. You are dealing with a very sensitive subject here.

Be there for your partner. It hurts. Like death in the family. Lend them your ears. Let them whine. Help them get over it. Never laugh or chastised them. Never use the word “condolences”.

Unless you want to risk the relationship. Or see a man experience PMS.

Don’t force the issue. If they don’t want to talk about it, fine. Just stay with them.

Divert his attention to something else. Perhaps a hobby that he had neglected. Something which he likes and had not done for a long time like a night out with his buddies or fishing.

Cheer him out. Treat him to a night out. A movie or dinner would be good. Tell him it is his evening and he get to make choices where and when to go. Just make it clear that it is on you.

And lastly, don’t try to understand this erratic behavior. It is a testosterone thing. It just how real men are wired. Those who take their sports seriously. And their team.

26 Going on 40


I ran into an old friend of mine today. I could hardly recognize her. She had no make up on her face. She has dark circles and puffy eyes. Her hair was frizzy and unruly. She wears baggy T-shirt and jeans.

For one moment, I thought she had a bit part in a zombie movie.

But, hey, she is married. To a lucky guy (I don’t know whether I should use this word or not, but he seemed happy).

I can still remember her statement from four years ago:

“I can’t wait to find a man and get married. Then I don’t have to worry about staying pretty anymore…”

She used to be a gorgeous with jet black hair made for shampoo commercials, dresses well and has a flawless complexion – on any given day.

Needless to say, men crave for her.

Fast forward to four years later. Today. What a big difference!

For you guys out there: if you ever meet a girl who dolls herself up with only one purpose – to fish for a man and get married – turn the other way and run as fast as you can.

Need me to tell you how things will become after you marry her? Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it?

(If this is not scary enough, imagine how she’s like after having three kids…)

HINT: Marry a girl who enjoys dressing nicely for her own pleasure. That seems like a safer bet, doesn’t it?

Shoe Marks on Toilet Seats


Two things that piss me off the most about public washrooms in malls across the city are the presence of female cleaners and shoe marks on toilet seats.

Cleanliness of toilets is important no doubt and the cleaners are there to ensure that. But not when it becomes a place where they meet and chat. I even caught one trying to peek at me while I was taking a leak. I kid you not folks. And it’s not even funny.

The other thing that I really don’t get is the barbaric act of treating every single toilet as a squat toilet even in new malls where pristine, clean and shiny toilet seats are new and unseasoned. This is 2008 and there are many uncivilized people running around town.

New toilets seats have scratches and marks left behind by the pressure caused by the soles of shoes. If only there were a device that would automatically jab ones butt when it detects the presence of shoes on toilet seats. That would be cool and I would be laughing. J

Then, there are some uncivilized bozos who smoke in mall toilets.

Guys and Romantic Comedies

Men on the majority enjoy testostorone-filled movies that is chock full of violence, gore and action. When Gladiator hit the screen, it was a huge success with men for all its fight scenes, machoism and ‘honor’ themes.

What is a guy’s take on romantic comedies (romcom for short)? You guys can’t ONLY be watching flicks that you like and leave the women out. I mean, if a woman agrees to watch a ‘guy flick’ with you doesn’t mean she enjoys the movie. It only means that she wants you to enjoy the movie and be happy.

To make a relationship work, and to earn “extra points” from a woman you are dating, watching a romcom is one way to ignite a romantic realtionship. And there’s mothing better than a quiet evening watching a romcom DVD with your date.

Here, I present you my Top 10 Favorite Romantic Comedies:

1. The Lake House

2. 50 First Dates

3. Love, Actually

4. The Wedding Singer

5. Bridget Jones’ Diary

6. Four Weddings and A Funeral

7. Sleepless In Seattle

8. As Good As It Gets

9. Joe Vs the Volcano

10. While You Were Sleeping

Love or Compatibility?


It started with Jasmine’s proposal to Honey Bee to date some older women for research and blogging purposes:

Jasmine: well… since dating older women is a popular trend now, i was just curious to know how it’s like. I thought you would too.

Honey bee: why don’t u date a schoolboy and find out?

Jasmine: i would…but that’s illegal.

Honey bee: i m not curious. Get one who’s 18.

Jasmine: even that… i won’t consider. Not even 23.

Honey bee: y?

Jasmine: not even 24. get it now?

Honey bee: ahh, immaturity

Jasmine: Why would I find someone to babysit when i have lots of real babies and kids to play with?

i am not into babysitting big babies

Honey bee: n someone said i was picky

u just took one big baby for ring shopping that day.

Jasmine: yea…that’s for charity. He was getting ready to propose to his gf and I got to pick out the ring. And he is 28, by the way.

Honey bee: 28 is still too young?

Jasmine: it’s not about numbers. You didn’t see how he acted at the jewelry store. i almost walked out.

Honey bee: really? what did he do?

Jasmine: You would think if someone is ready to propose and get a ring, he would have done some basic research. Come on… google about rings. Or at least find out what style she likes. I don’t mean to know the exact ring she wants. But at least have a basic idea.

Honey bee: yup i agree

does he have the ring size?

Jasmine: there…!!! you just nailed it.

no ring size!

Honey bee: haha

Jasmine: and we were there to buy an engagement ring…hello??? What was he thinking?

Honey bee: he was also wasting your time

Jasmine: sigh…steal a ring from her jewelry box.

measure her finger when she’s asleep.

cut her finger.

just do something

Honey bee: yeah… just do n imprint will do

Jasmine: sometimes little things show a lot about someone

Honey bee: it does

especially to women

Jasmine: it made me wonder… did he wake up one morning and thought it would be a great day to buy a ring?

Honey bee: women are more meticulous

maybe he did

Jasmine: ask u one question. is it love or compatibility? which one?

Honey bee: what do u mean?

Jasmine: when two people decide to be together, “fall” in love and get married. which one is more important? love or compatibility?

Honey bee: initially love

then some level of compatibility will develop or else they would fall out of love

Jasmine: aha

Honey bee: its like an orbital thing

boy meet girl

boy falls in love w girl

boy n girl dates

know more abt each other

helps each other grow.

if the balance tips, then sooner or later they will fall out

i think it is a complimentary relationship

Jasmine: see… something is really wrong with me…i have long since believe in that “routine”

although i know that’s how things work most of the time

Honey bee: not always

that’s a common way of looking at it

it could work in reverse

or it could start in the middle

there are not hard n fast rules

Jasmine: the problem with feelings and love is… they come and go

Honey bee: yup, the real test is after the feeling is gone

Jasmine: exactly…

Honey bee: companionship comes in

Jasmine: so the way i like to put it is: fall in love for the right reasons

Honey bee: u still enjoy each others company n do things together. well, sometimes u r not in control when it comes to love.

now it’s the question of logic vs feelings

Jasmine: yes and no. because if you know what you are looking for, you are naturally attracted to some people and not others

when you don’t know what you want, then you don’t stand a chance of falling in love for the right reasons.

Well folks out there, what’s your say on this?

Girl Earns More Than the Guy…


My close friend, Alice, is having a cold war with her hubby, and it has lasted for two weeks now. The issue? MONEY. She got promoted at work and now she makes more ‘blink blink’ than he does.

Who knew a little extra money could create such a rife?

No doubt, money is a reality and a necessity. In fact, money is the symbol for success, security, status, independence, control, competence, comfort, and the list just goes on and on.

Women who think that “Yeah, I make more money than he does, but we’re living in the new millennium. What’s the big deal?” need to rethink that. No matter how much he loves you, the issue of money is the issue of EGO.

Men want to be providers because it is a caveman instinct. They hunt for the food and women take care of the kids. No matter how much society has changed, that part is still a strong part of their DNA.

Being a provider gives him a sense of identity, a purpose of existence, a motivation to face challenges everyday, a goal to work hard for, and a great sense of accomplishment when he succeeds in doing that. To him, providing for his family is the most direct, practical, and genuine way of saying “I love you” and “I honor my commitment to my marriage and family.”

Well, this is an ego thing and you got to live with it.

Is He for Keeps? 10 Qualities of an Ideal Guy



1.) Optimistic and Great Sense of Humor

He has a positive outlook on life, even when things aren’t bright and sunny. He always makes you laugh with his great sense of humor. Most of the time, he is someone who is very fun and enjoyable to be with.

2.) Faithful/Loyal and Committed

He is someone who is reliable and trustworthy. You know deep down in your heart that you can always count on him for support, understanding, and comfort. Most importantly, you can trust him that he won’t deliberately do things or make decisions that would hurt you or the relationship/marriage.

3.) Great Communication Skills

He listens empathetically and patiently to the things you say without being judgmental. He tries to see things from your point of view before providing solutions or advice. He is able to get his message across and conveys his thoughts effectively.

4.) Respect You and Treat You as an Equal Partner

He values your opinions and genuinely wants to understand your thoughts. He discusses things with you before making important decisions. He respects you, your family, your friends, your choices, your career, and your space/privacy.

5.) Affectionate, Sensitive, and Romantic

He expresses his love and care for you through simple, affectionate gestures like hugs, kisses, holding hands, calls, sweet little notes/cards, saying “I love you,” and etc. He is attentive and sensitive to your needs, and he cheerfully does little things to make you happy and loved and cared for.

6.) Appreciative and Forgiving

He doesn’t take you or the relationship/marriage for granted. He appreciates you and the things you do for him on a daily basis. He doesn’t hold grudges when you unintentionally hurt his feelings or make mistakes. He forgives and moves on.

7.) Love You Just the Way You Are

You are good enough just the way you are – in fact, in his eyes, you are the best. He accepts you as a total package – the good and the not-so-good. He helps and encourages you to learn and grow to your fullest potential, instead of molding you to become the “dream girl” or “ideal wife” in his fantasy.

8.) Financially Responsible

Notice I didn’t mention “financially wealthy” – I said “financially responsible.” You don’t have to be a millionaire or make 500k a year. It’s not about how much money you make but rather how well you manage what you have – making wise financial decisions, plans, and investments.

9.) Passionate about Life

He has other passions in life other than you, for example his work, hobbies, interests, friends, family, religious beliefs, and etc. He takes good care of himself and doesn’t rely on you entirely for his happiness. He deeply believes and feels that life is wonderful and worth living and he’s committed to life long learning and self development.

10.) Confident and Competent

He is confident, but not arrogant. Men are born leaders, protectors, and providers (at least they deeply believe they are) – we all know that. It’s nothing new. However, in order for a woman to genuinely and deeply admire, adore, and respect her man, he has to be competent to begin with. That doesn’t mean he has to perfect (everybody makes mistakes) or has supernatural powers. But he kind of has to know what he’s doing.

How to Tell a Girl That You Like Her


You have known a girl for a while or you’ve just met a girl and think that she’s the one. You want to tell her you like her. Before you take the plunge, here are some things you might want to consider:

1. Prepare yourself. Do whatever it takes to make you feel confident of yourself. You don’t have to be as good looking as Tom Cruise or George Clooney but you must look presentable.

2. Know what you want to say beforehand. Be confident and sure of yourself. That alone would speak volumes for you.

3. Whether her response is positive, negative or indifferent, be ready for whatever comes. Being poise and calmly help you get into her good books eventually. Whining like a sore loser will not change the situation if things are not working out.

4. Be frank and straight to the point. Being wishy-washy and beating around the bush will make you look like a wimp. Once you are in front of her, you have already committed yourself to telling her how you feel.

5. Never make her feel like she owes you anything. She will become really uncomfortable. Anyway, nobody owes you anything.

6. Always be prepared to lose her. If she does not reciprocate your feelings, take it like a man. It’s not the end of the world. There are many more fishes in the sea. Unless of course, if you live in a small village in the Amazon jungle where there are only two females – the girl you are targeting and her grandmother.

7. Your life must not revolve around her and her alone. If you don’t have a life, get a life. Having other interests and hobbies will make you look more appealing and multi-dimensional.

8. The biggest no-no before the start of a relationship is to fantasize about your ‘girl to be’ before anything serious or romantic happens. You don’t want the girl to get the impression that you are a desperate or worse, a sexual deviant.

9. Never ever come on too strong. Most often than not, men likes to jump the gun. Often impatient, they want to move to third base before they even start pitching [see no. 8 above].

10. The best way to express your feelings is through your action because action speaks louder than words. Make her feel your emotions and she will express her love for you. Patience is a virtue. Make use of it.

Should a Woman Ask a Guy Out On a Date?


There are two differing schools of thought on this. The first school advocates that the GUY should take the first initiatives and should call and ask the girl for a date.

The other school, more apparent in recent times, has a more liberal view where either party may the first move, depending on the situation.

What if you wait for him to ask you out but he never does? Does it mean, he is not into you? Or is he plainly shy? Or he is a novice at the dating game and knows not what to do?

Through forums and interviews with men on the idea of being asked out on a date, the response is pretty positive. Most of the men I have spoken to actually welcome the idea.

Like men, women also fear rejection when asking men out. They also risk being perceived as desperate, which would not necessarily be the case. Most men will think that you are sure of yourself and just getting what you want.

It also takes lots of pressure off men. A lot of men do not have a clue on dating women.

If you feel that it’s a lot of hard work asking a guy out, you could drop some subtle hints. Make as if you are helping him to date you by ‘opening the door’.

You could try something like “how about we get together for coffee some time?” Leave your contact number and walk away.
It might take a while before he calls. Two to three weeks lead time is normal, because he might be busy and have stuffs to handle.

There are no hard and fast rules and the best is to play by ear.

Long Distance Relationships…the Pros and the Cons


“Oceans apart, day after day and I slowly go insane, I hear your voice on the line but it doesn’t stop the pain.

I see you next to never, how can we say forever”

Richard Marx’s rendition of Right Here Waiting speaks volumes for long distance relationships.

But, just like other kinds of relationships, I believe long distance relationships can survive if both parties make the effort to keep the spark alive.

If you ask those people who have been in long distance relationships before, they would most likely mention about the tears, the loneliness, the heartaches, the misunderstandings, the sleepless nights, the I-miss-him/her-so-much syndrome, and the long phone calls.

On the other side, successful long distance relationships which ended in rewarding, satisfying partnerships and happy marriages do exist in reality and are no fairy tales.

Long distance relationships aren’t for everybody. If you are someone who ranks physical intimacy over emotional connection, long distance relationships may be extremely challenging to you.

Or perhaps you are someone who treasures spending quality time and engaging in fun activities with your lover more so than having deep, meaningful conversations, exchanging thoughts and ideas, and sharing life experiences together, you might want to think twice before entering a long distance relationship.

However, if you believe he/she is “The-One” you have been waiting for all your life and you couldn’t possibly imagine finding someone else who touches your heart like he/she does, I would say: Be brave and go for it – don’t let the distance stop you. After all, it’s better to find out the answer yourself than to wonder about what-ifs or regret later in your life.


1.) The passion is more manageable.

Since you don’t see each other often, you are more likely to be able to keep the fire under control. The symptoms of infatuation in the early stage are less severe than an average relationship. You are also less likely to confuse lust with love.

2.) You really get to know someone at a deep, meaningful level and the emotional bonding is strong.

Many couples in a common relationship setting are merely “activity partners” during the courting stage. This is all they do: dine, wine, party, movies, and cuddle on the couch. They might see each other all the time but that doesn’t mean they really know and understand each other deeply. In a long distance relationship, you spend hours doing nothing but communicating, which then leads to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship.

3.) You learn to appreciate the precious moments you spend together and not take things for granted – the person you love and your relationship.

4.) You learn to be self content but also, at the same time, receive emotional support from the one you love and care.

5.) The both of you can focus on self development/career building. One should never stop growing and learning. Being in a long distance relationship allows you to maintain an active lifestyle and engage in various exciting programs, which will only enrich your life and make you that more attractive and intriguing.

6.) You build a strong trust foundation for the relationship, which is crucial in any relationship. You learn how to control your jealousy and not let your great imagination run wild. If you realize you can’t trust that person, no matter how hard you try or want to, that simply means your relationship is unhealthy to begin with – long distance or short distance.


1.) Loneliness/emptiness. Yes, there will be tons of moments when you feel lonely and wish he/she was there with you, especially during those cold nights.

2.) Emotionally stressful. Face the truth, my friend – keeping a relationship alive across the miles is HARD WORK. Whoever tells you otherwise is a liar – don’t trust him and ever talk to him again.

3.) No physical intimacy. No hugs. No kisses. No holding hands. No cuddling in bed. No touch at all. Can you really survive?

4.) Misunderstandings and conflicts are often very challenging when they do happen. Or in some cases, they could even be irresolvable for days, weeks, or even months. Why? Imagine if he/she is upset with you and refuse to talk to you (won’t answer your calls, text messages or emails). Serious communication breakdown. What would you do? What could you do? You are miles away… It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

5.) You won’t be able to be there for each other during unpredictable events or crises, no matter how much you want to or wish to. Of course, you can always make arrangements to accommodate such situations. However, just keep the distance in mind – you won’t be able to be there for him/her immediately.

6.) Financial burden. Anticipate the high phone bills. And also, transportation funds to see your sweetheart, in person.

Long distance relationships can work. However, it takes an enormous amount of effort, commitment, trust, and love to succeed, not to mention mental maturity, emotional stability, and courage.

In most cases, when a long distance relationship breaks down or ends in failure, the couple puts the blame on the “distance.” However, I believe that the “distance” merely intensifies the core problem of the relationship – it itself is not the problem.

It (the distance) allows you to see the true problem of your relationship clearly and forces you to face it … for better, or for worse.